Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture

Soil Nurturing, Root Stimulating

Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture

It all comes down to soil health and investing in the legacy of your family's farm! Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture harnesses the power of over 800 species of soil microbes to increase yield, improve crop resilience against stress and boost soil health.

At Holganix, we believe that by charging soils with diverse microbes we help our farmers improve the health of their soils, investing in the legacy of their farm for future generations. 

Plus, farmers using Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture see a yield improvement in just one season! 

  • Develop Soil Health

  • Increase Yield

  • Faster Establishment

  • Boost Roots; Contributing To Soil Organic Matter

  • Maximize Uptake of Nutrients, Minerals and Water

  • Improve Plant Resilience Against Stress From Tillage, Weather, Fungicides And Other Stressors

What is Holganix Bio 800+?

What Are The Ingredients?

Unlike other plant probiotics, Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture contains an entire microbiome or community of organisms that is both abundant and diverse. In a single jug of Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture, there are more than 800 species of active microbes, microbe food and nutrient enhancers.

Some of the soil microbes contained in Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture include both Phosphorus and Micronutrient Solubilizing Bacteria, Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria, Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria, Plant Debris Degrading Bacteria and Fungi, Mycorrrhizae Fungi, Trichoderma Fungi, Penicillium Fungi, Beneficial Nematodes and Protozoa.

Working together, the microbes in Holganix Bio 800+ Agriculture unlock nutrients already present in the soil and optimize the uptake of nutrients you apply, maximizing nutrient efficiency and minimizing loss.

The microbe food helps obtain rapid establishment of the beneficial microbes, while nutrient enhancers work with the microbes to promote strong root growth and healthier plants.  

Download our Holganix Ingredient List to learn about some of our key components. 

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